Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Top Ten Free PC FPS Games

10.                              Repulse.

Repulse is Aeria Games’ latest MMOFPS, and with previous successes such as Wolf Team and Alliance of Valiant Arms, it’s hardly surprising to see them once again tempting the FPS market. Repulse brings you into a futuristic, dystopian style world, where you embody a soldier fighting for mankind’s survival. The story isn’t very present however, and the focus is mostly on the good ol’ twitch shooting, zombie invasions (with added bonus of alien zombie), and the awesome looking customization. It’s worth noting that you can even customize your gear, with such good things as scopes and heat lasers. You get to pick one of three following classes;
Assault: This class wields assault rifles, shotguns, and generally has higher defense ratings. Its unique ability is the capacity to make sudden giant leaps forward.
Sniper: The sniper uses long range rifles, machine pistols, and tends to be a balanced between mobility and armor. It has the ability to use cloaking devices to hide from the enemy.
Engineer: The engineer uses mainly submachine guns, pistols and repairing guns. It’s by far the most mobile but least damaging class. Its ability, fittingly, is to make sudden hopping dodges in any direction of the player’s choice.

Repulse : http://repulse.aeriagames.com/

9.                          Tribes Ascend

Even with its relatively minor flaws, anyone with even a cursory interest in Tribes: Ascend should play it. No other shooter conveys the same sense of speed – or the rush of pleasure that comes from nailing someone at over 100 KPH – as Tribes. With no barrier to entry outside of the time it takes to download and give it a try, there’s pretty much no good reason to not check out Tribes.

Tribes Ascend : https://account.hirezstudios.com/trib...

8.                          Army Rage

The game achieves an impressive team work as the players have the opportunity to choose one of the two rival sides – Allies and Axis, team up in 6 separate teams of 4 people each and set their class – Assault (equips powerful grenades and assault rifles), Scout (skilled sniper), Support (equips anti-tank rifles and flamethrowers, uses machine guns and drops medical kits to revive other players) and Engineer (uses sub-machine guns and rocket launchers, has the unique ability to build stationery heavy machine guns). There could be up to 24 players competing with each other or united in teams in one room. The players can create as many rooms as they like with different maps, missions and game modes in order to achieve a more dynamic game play.

Army Rage: http://www.armyrage.com/

7.                               A.V.A.

Alliance of Valiant Arms is one of those rare F2P MMO gems that has both top-notch graphics and extremely in-depth and varied gameplay. A.V.A can easily hold its own against pay-to-play FPS games like Counter-Strike Source and even Call of Duty 4, both in graphics and gameplay. Those who played other tactical MMOFPS games like Combat Arms, Blackshot or even WolfTeam should be able to quickly familiarize themselves with AVA, as most MMOFPS games tend to be very similar. Alliance of Valiant Arms runs the Unreal 3 engine, so expect great graphics. Perhaps the most notable aspect of AVA is its numerous game modes. They are:

Annihilation - Annihilation mode is basically team deathmatch. The European Union (EU) and New Russia Federation (NRF) duke it out across one of the game’s many levels. Whichever team reaches either 80 or 180 points first wins.

Demolition - Demolition mode is essentially the same ‘plant the bomb’ game mode popularized by Counter-Strike. The EU team must plant a C4 bomb in one of two bomb sites while the NRF must defuse it.

Escort - The EU team must ‘escort’ a tank that slowly moves through the map while the NRF have to use Rocket-Propelled Grenades (RPGs) to destroy it. If the tank reaches the end of the map before time runs out the EU team wins, otherwise the NRF wins. This is one of the more popular and unique game modes in Alliance of Valiant Arms.

Free for All – As the name implies, players are by themselves and must kill anyone they see. Whichever player has the most kills at the end of the round wins.

Domination - Basically king of the hill. Opposing teams must capture and hold the command post located in the center of the map for a period of time to win.

Survival - Exactly like Suppression mode, but with one one life per player.

Convoy – The EU team must find and capture a ‘nuclear suitcase’ that is guarded by the NRF on one map before time runs out. Eliminating the opposing team is another way to win a round in Convoy mode.

A.V.A: http://ava.aeriagames.com/

6.                          Bullet Run

Bullet Run is a 3D semi-futuristic FPS published by Sony Entertainment. In the world of Bullet Run players become contestants on reality TV show where the motto is “kill or be killed”. In Bullet Run it’s up to the players to put on the best “show” possible in order to rack up the “fame”.
Bullet Run rewards players who perform well with on the fly combat skills they can unleash on unsuspecting enemy contestants. With an active reload system players must time their reloads in order to minimize their reload time. Hit it just right and you reload much faster but fail and your gun will jam costing you precious seconds.
With thousands of potential weapon customization’s including silencers, scopes, stocks, decals and more, players can truly customize their frag experience.

Bullet Run: http://maintenance.station.sony.com/b...

5.                 Renaissance Heroes

Renaissance Heroes is an FPS that is set in the renaissance period of Europe. Based on designs from Leonardo da Vinci, the shooter features both realistic and incredible weaponry. You can choose from one of four different playable characters, all of whom have different combat specializations and storylines. The game features three different playable modes: free-for-all, team battle, and one-on-one duels. These modes also have various options, such as rifle only, melee only, and hyper speed. It will allow you to play against various difficulty levels of AI bots, in order to hone your abilities. Eight maps are included, each based on a historical and geographical location. Daily quests and over 100 achievements also are available to be unlocked.

Renaissance Heroes: http://www.renaissanceheroes.com/

4.                  War inc. Battlezone

War Inc. Battle Zone is an MMOFPS designed to offer a high quality combat experience similar to Call of Duty or Battlefield. Players may choose two of several starting weapons, and enjoy a class-free, team-based combat experience. The game features several modes including Conquest (capture and defend style), Sabotage (bomb run), and Deathmatch (free-for-all). Players can rank up their soldier through participating in matches and demonstrating tactical and combat skill. They can then use the money they earn to buy temporary or permanent weapons, protective gear, skills, and temporary buffs.

Warinc Battlezone: http://www.thewarinc.com/

3.                          Warface

Warface is offered as the next “AAA4Free” MMOFPS. Crytek uses the CryENGINE3 to optomize the graphics experience across the board. The game is unique for a shooter as it offers comprehensive PvE missions in a genre thought of as strictly PvP. The developers plan for daily updates to this PvE content, as well as continuing to provide an engaging PvP mode. Teamwork is expected to be essential, according to the devs.

Warface: http://www.warface.com/

2.                       Arctic Combat

Arctic Combat is an MMOFPS with several interesting features. The game offers drops from players, enemies and allies alike, in order to replenish your stock during combat. There are also active and passive skills to be learned. Trophies also exist that give unique looks, and provide powerful stats to aid players. There is also an auction system to allow trade of trophies, and other weapons. Finally, the game offers various missions, which are like quests in many RPGs.

Arctic Combat: http://ac.webzen.com/

1.                 Blacklight Retibution

Blacklight Retribution is a futuristic FPS published by Perfect World. The game offers countless ways to customize your weaponry, which offers players a style that fits them perfectly. New “hero” characters are frequently introduced, offering players a way to increase what’s available to them quickly. The game features several different modes, namely Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, and King of the Hill. The game also offers a couple of unique inclusions: the HRV and the Hardsuit. The HRV allows you to see opponents from anywhere on the map, however, you lose most of your perception of terrain. The hardsuit is a mech-like armor that is hard to take down.

Blacklight retribution: http://blacklight.perfectworld.com/


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